03 September 2006

New York, here we come!

Not long to go now. Both Alicia and I have finished work, and Kyan's off to the family for the week, so we're madly scrambling to get the house in order (packed and cleaned) before the removalists come on Wednesday.

The To-Do list is finally getting smaller. That's not to say that it's getting any easier, but at least the jobs we have left can be done before we leave. Things like touching up paintwork inside the house, packing and cleaning.

It still hasn't hit home yet that we're shifting to the other side of the world, but I guess that's partly due to the fact that we always seem to be getting ready for holidays. Once we get a place of our own, things will probably change a little. It's actually pretty scary going to a new workplace, given that I've been in the Brisbane office for the past 7 1/2 years. This is my big chance to really make it in my career, so I hope it goes well.

Kyan's been very whingey the past day or two. We seem to think that he is getting upset to see his stuff being packed up. He's too young to understand about the move, but old enough to know when his things are being taken from him. It will be good to have him out of our hair for a couple of days and focus on the job at hand.

We're still dreading the flight. I guess if we're expecting the absolute worst, anything that happens will be better than our expectations, and therefore not be too bad. I just hope nothing crazy goes on in the wild world of aviation over the next week. If we can only carry on our passports, there's going to be trouble.

Well, no rest for the wicked. Back to work for me. I've got to get new tyres put on the Barina this arvo so I can get the roadworthy done. ...and paint the walls ...and disassemble the bed ...and clear the shed ...and pack up the entertainment unit ...blah blah blah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are glad that you managed to get everything done. Kaye