24 October 2006

They switched off the air conditioner, but...

I'm off to the Stamford office tomorrow in Connecticut. I've been there twice now; it's a nice office, not too dissimilar to the Brisbane office, and since it's considered part of the NY metro offices, easy to get into and set up for the day. I'm working with a Director who is based there doing some work for a Chicago client. I went to Chicago for the day last Wednesday, and am likely to have another trip, probably two days, next week. It's nice to get around, and it looks as though there's more travel to come. What's best about the way things operate for travel over here, is that you'll rarely be away from home more than 4 days in any week; you can always come home. Short trips are great.

Until now, it's been quite nice outside during the day (and the night for that matter). It's been just like walking around in a giant air-conditioned city. But whomever's controlling the thermostat should be sacked. They switch off the air conditioner, but switched on the refridgerator instead. It's very cold out these days, and from what the locals are saying, there's a long way to go. Today's maximum was 12 degrees, as is the forecast for tomorrow. The days are nice; there's a light wind and plenty of sunshine, but that's there to fool you into thinking it's a nice day before you go out into it. When I left for work this morning, it was 6 degrees, with a windchill which took it down to 4. The locals don't believe that this is what the four weeks of winter is like back home. About two seconds after they deal with their disbelief, they laugh at me becuase it's going to get a lot colder. I'm not too comfortable with that. I keep getting comments like "do you have snowproof shoes?" Yeah, sure I do. I need them all the time at home. I don't even know what snowproof shoes even look like, let alone where to get them.

Things are about to get interesting.


Alicia Barry said...

Snowproof shoes? Damn, better do some more shopping.

By the way, I took that photo.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, well I cropped it and rotated it in Photoshop, so I'm claiming the photo.

Sara Pearcy said...

lol - and for that, Snowproof shoes look like tissue boxes with rounded corners.... honestly.... and most men in NY just make their own to save money. All you need are two tissue boxes and a roll of cling-wrap.

xx S.

PS. Nice photo, Leish!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you need the old fashioned gum boots. Glad to see that you are managing to see a bit of the country, even if it is from a plane and the inside of an office.

Larabelle said...

Homer: "Call Mr. Plow, that's my name, that name again is Mr. Plow."