21 July 2007

Daddy Day - Summer edition

Alicia's out of town doing a scrapbooking thing again, so it's Daddy Day version 2. This time, it's the summer edition. Last time Kyan and I went to a very frozen Central Park (-10C in the park wasn't much fun). This time, the weather was superb, so we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Central Park Zoo and the 4th Avenue Pub (his idea, not mine).

It was a lot of fun, and Kyan loved the zoo. We're members of the zoo, so we've been there a few times now.
He didn't go much on the Museum, but 4000 year old Egyptian treasures are entirely over-rated apparently. Luckily, thanks to work being a corporate member, we could get in for free, so no big loss there. Certainly something to go back to.

Tonight, I'm off to see Rove being taped in New York. I haven't seen it in a while, so it will be good to watch again. Just so long as Hughesy's there, it will all be good. Anyway, the show's on 9pm tomorrow (Sunday) night, so WATCH IT!!!! It was on Channel 10 last week (courtesy of the web), so I assume that's where you'll find it. With any luck, you'll find me in the audience!!!!

1 comment:

Larabelle said...

Lisa: What a whimsical building. Who says science can't be fun?
Bart: Me. I smell a museum.
Homer: Yeah, good things don't end with 'eum'. They end with 'mania'. Or 'teria'!